Enacted: December 4, 2019
Revised: June 1, 2024

Article 1: Name
The club shall be called KN-LINK BOXING CLUB (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”).

Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Club is to promote boxing as a lifelong sport, facilitate interaction through
boxing, and contribute to human development.

Article 3: Membership Eligibility and Procedures
– Eligibility
Membership eligibility is granted to those who meet all the following conditions:
1. Agree with the Club’s purpose and comply with these regulations.
2. Have no health issues that would interfere with participating in the Club’s activities.
3. Are approved for membership by the Club.
– Procedures
Those eligible for membership must complete the designated membership application form,
submit it, and pay the membership fee along with the first lesson fee or the first month’s fee
to complete the membership process.

Article 4: Membership Fees and Lesson Fees
1. Members shall pay the membership fee and lesson fee or monthly fee as determined by
the Club upon joining.

2. Lesson fees:
– Kids Class: Monthly fee system.
– Other Classes: Pay-per-lesson, ticket system, or monthly fee system.
– Pay-per-lesson: Payment is made per lesson.
– Monthly fee system:
1. Monthly fees are paid through Square’s credit card automatic recurring payment.
2. On the 27th of each month (or the next business day if it’s a holiday), the next
month’s fee is charged to the registered credit card.
3. If the credit card payment fails, the fee must be paid at the last lesson of the month,
with an additional ¥550 as a handling fee.
– Ticket system:
1. Members purchase a designated stamp card and receive a stamp for each lesson
2. The Club manages the stamp card and returns it when all stamps are used.
3. The stamp card is valid for six weeks from the purchase date.
4. The stamp card is non-transferable.
5. No refunds are given for purchased stamp cards.
6. The Club keeps and manages the stamp card.

Article 5: Lesson Reservations
1. Lessons for ticket system members require reservations through the Band app.
2. If reservations are full, members can join a waiting list.
3. Cancellations must be communicated to the Club at least two hours before the lesson.
Failure to do so without a valid reason results in the loss of one stamp.

Article 6: Lesson Cancellation
If a lesson must be canceled due to unavoidable circumstances, the Club will notify
members by 10:00 AM on the day of the lesson.

Article 7: Withdrawal, Suspension, and Schedule Changes
1. To withdraw, members must submit the designated withdrawal form by the 10th of the
month prior to the desired withdrawal month.
2. Suspension is allowed only in cases of unavoidable reasons such as injury or illness. In such cases, the designated suspension form must be submitted by the 10th of the prior month, and a suspension fee of ¥2,200 must be paid.
3. Suspension is valid for one month, and beyond that, regular fees apply.
4. Members who have not completed withdrawal or suspension procedures must continue to
pay monthly fees even if they do not use the Club.
5. Members can change their participation venue or day if there are vacancies.
6. Membership fees and other payments are non-refundable upon withdrawal or suspension.

Article 8: Liability for Withdrawal and Suspension
If a member fails to notify the Club by the 10th of the month prior to the desired month, they
are responsible for any resulting disadvantage, such as being charged the next month’s fee.

Article 9: Suspension and Expulsion of Membership
The Club can suspend or expel members for the following reasons:
1. Violation of these regulations.
2. Actions that significantly damage the Club’s reputation or violate public order.
3. Intentional or negligent damage to facilities.
4. Other actions deemed inappropriate by the Club.

Article 10: Venue
The Club’s activities are held at rental spaces within Chiba City. The venue may change
based on the Club’s circumstances, with prior notification to members. The Club is not
responsible for any inconvenience caused by venue changes. Members are responsible for
their own transportation to the venue, and the Club is not liable for any accidents during

Article 11: Handling of Personal Information
The Club will appropriately manage personal information collected during its operations. The
Club may use personal information within the scope necessary for its operation and
advertising. Personal information will be disclosed if required by law.

Article 12: Changes in Member Information
Members must report any changes in address or contact information to the Club.

Article 13: Accident Insurance
The Club will enroll in “Sports Safety Insurance” on behalf of its members. In case of an
injury or accident during Club activities recognized by the Club’s instructors as occurring
under their supervision, compensation will be provided within the scope of the insurance.

Article 14: Disclaimer
The Club is not liable for accidents or theft occurring outside the instructors’ supervision or
when members do not follow instructors’ directions.

Article 15: School Closures
The Club may suspend or close its operations due to natural disasters, changes in social
conditions, or other reasons making regular operations difficult. In such cases, the
membership fee will not be refunded.

Article 16: Property Damage
Members are responsible for repairing any intentional damage to property within the

Article 17: Health Management
Members or their guardians are responsible for managing their health condition, and the
Club is not liable for any health issues.

Article 18: Supplementary Provisions
Matters not stipulated in these regulations and necessary operational rules will be separately
defined by the Club.

Article 19: Amendment of Regulations
Amendments or revisions to these regulations or related rules will take effect upon
determination by the Club and apply to members from the time of change or revision.

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